Wednesday 30 October 2019

Colony Collapse Disorder

We are learning to write an information report.

 Success Criteria:
 We will plan and then write an information report on a topic
of our choice related to bees.

Our report will:
  • Be interesting!
  • Give information about a topic of our choice related to bees.
  • Show a clear link to our planning.
  • Start with an opening statement about our topic.
  • Have at least 3 paragraphs.  Each paragraph will have an opening
  • statement and a series of facts related to that statement.Include
  • some complex or compound sentence structures.
  • Include at least one diagram, photograph, illustration or
  • map to go with the text.
  • Finish with a general statement about the topic.
  • Use information from at least 3 different sources.  This
  • information will be written in our own words and we will
  • write down our sources at the end of our report.

What Is Colony Collapse Disorder?

Image result for CCD bees
What is colony collapse disorder?
Colony collapse disorder (CCD)
is when a colony of worker bees
leave the hive leaving behind
plenty of food and few nurse bees
to look after the queen bee and the
immature bees. Often if a bee gets
colony collapse disorder they will
fly away and never return so after
about a day they eventually die. 

In six years leading to 2013 over 10 million colonies were lost
often to CCD. The lifespan of a healthy worker bee that is going
well is 4-6 weeks. But if a worker bee gets colony collapse disorder
then it could be a lot shorter lifespan. In the foraging season alone,
about 800-1200 bees die per day.

Some possible causes of CCD are Varroa mites because they are
the world's most destructive honey bee killer and the viruses they
carry have the chemical treatment that is considered a cause of
CCD. Nutrition is also one because malnutrition stresses bees out
and that weakens their immune systems and it would make it easier
for them to get CCD. Undiscovered disease is considered a possible

Image result for colony collapse disorder diagramColony Collapse Disorder affects
humans because it threatens our
food supply. Bees pollinate 70% of
our food and pollinate 90% of our
wild plants. Crops like cherries and
blueberries are 90% dependent on
honey bee pollination. As the
number of bees are dying, the
number of food crops is decreasing.
That means there would be less
fruits, vegetables and less honey for us.

My source's were Wikipedia, IFAS Extension and Quora.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Storyboard That

Storyboard That: this my comic about the Gala and it was heaps of fun

WALT create a cartoon on Storyboard That.

Storyboard That

Storyboard That

WALT create a cartoon on Storyboard That.

Thursday 17 October 2019

Blog Post from Cailan

What Are Bee Hives For?

Bees make their hives to store food and shelter the bees. Bees make their
hives to protect them. The bees store anything from eggs, to pollen, to honey.
When the bee hive is getting built by the bees, the bees produce beeswax
to create a strong and hard interior of the beehive. They use the beeswax
to make these perfect little hexagon shapes in the hive. They store the food
and eggs in them. These are called honeycombs.

Jobs Inside The Hive

The three main types of bees are the worker bee, drone bee and the queen bee. When the queen lays an egg she can either lay a fertilized egg or an unfertilized egg. A fertilized egg hatches into a worker bee or queen bee, while an unfertilized egg will hatch into a drone bee. A worker bee is only female and they have all the jobs to do from collecting nectar, producing honey, keeping the hive clean, guarding the hive and making wax. For every 100 worker bees there are, there is a drone bee. Unlike the female worker bees, drones do not have stingers and gather neither nectar nor pollen. The drone bees primary job is to mate with a queen bee. After mating season the drone bee gets kicked out of the hive. The drone either dies of starvation or freezes. The queen bee is the most important bee of them all and only has one job, she produces new bees. Without the queen bee or a drone the whole hive would die out.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Space Animationi

Today my class and I made animations and mine was about a rocket. I learnt how to loop the video without using screencastify. We changed all the falses to trues and changed the 3000 to a different number. I changed the 3000 to 100.

Thursday 3 October 2019

Why Are Bees Declining?

 Success Criteria:

 We will plan and then write an information report on a topic of our choice related to bees.

Our report will:
  • Be interesting!
  • Give information about a topic of our choice related to bees.
  • Show a clear link to our planning.
  • Start with an opening statement about our topic.
  • Have at least 3 paragraphs.  Each paragraph will have an opening statement and a series of facts related to that statement.
  • Include some complex or compound sentence structures.
  • Include at least one diagram, photograph, illustration or map to go with the text.
  • Finish with a general statement about the topic.
  • Use information from at least 3 different sources.  This information will be written in our own words and we will write down our sources at the end of our report.

Why Are  Bees Declining?
Bees are dying and they need to pollinate our flowers. If the bees died we would not have much food because around 100 crop species feed 90% of the world. Around 70% of our food grows from a flower and needs to be pollinated so they can reproduce seeds so they can grow again.   About 200-250 bees die a day. In 2016 US beekeepers lost 33% of their bees. If bees die and stop pollinating not only will the plants die but the animals that eat the pollinated plants will also die which will mess up the food chain.

One of the reasons that bees are dying is because they are getting poisoned by pesticides. Pesticides are usually sprayed over plants. The bees crawl over the plants and the chemicals attack insects by harming their nerve systems. Scientists also say that the pesticides interfere with the bees brain stopping them from learning so they don't remember what food they need to eat so they slowly die. Their population has gone down by 25 percent  in the past years.

The second reason why bees are dying is because of Varroa mites and they are the worst problem. The mites sneak into the beehive and they wait for the wax to cover the spots were the bees lay their eggs. When they get in they wait for the bees to lay their eggs. When the bee lays the eggs the mites feed on the eggs so they can reproduce and repeat what they do. The mite attached to the body of the bee and weakens the bee by sucking its body which kills them. 

Sources:  The Telegraph, Entomology and Wikipedia.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Jack's Animation

Jack Topliss
Room 7
Karoro School
WALT To get it the speed I wanted I went to HTML. I had to change the falsies to true and change the 3000 to 200.